Tattoo taboo and exquisite _ various tattoo tattoo that _ jingle gejue table

Tattoos are to portray the tattoos you want on the monotonous skin of the human body, in order to retain a moving memory or to put your favorite pictures into the skin. Tattoos are beautiful, mysterious, sexy, charming, alluring and fashionable. They are the embodiment of unique personality and self vividly, and also the manifestation of personal belief.

The variety of tattoo patterns, the content of the day to innovation, color increasingly colorful, style is increasingly strange, in short, the tattoo culture is becoming more and more fire, but many people in the choice of tattoo patterns, the first consideration is taboo and exquisite, hope to choose the most suitable for their own tattoo patterns. On the taboo of tattooing and exquisite flower body, put in the whole world to study, that topic has gone, here only in the scope of Chinese tattoo culture, the taboo of tattoo and elaborate a detailed interpretation.

From the view of Chinese traditional culture, tattoos are taboo and fastidious. They can’t random patterns on their own. They should follow their own five lines of life or choose the pattern of each other. Chinese ancient culture is extensive and profound, and Chinese tattoo culture is mainly influenced by the black channel culture of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Some tattoo patterns can not be carried out in your life. The pattern will bring adverse effects on its own development.

The Internet has many tattoos and taboo about formulas, now sorted out a share to you:

A hundred rhyme songs in the tattoo:

There are many patterns in the pattern, such as thinking before the grain, hard to remove, and deliberate.

The Dragon full back, shoulder authority distinguished; Qinglong, boundless money;

Auspicious carp, carp leaping, Froude was the most favorable auspices;

Body profile big tiger, there will be great blessing; back a lion, king of majesty;

Qinglong property such as floods; cross legged, body lines tiger, do not worry about wealth;

“Before, the safety of the person; the horse fair, successful;

When Guan Yu was there, the eldest brother was rich in money.

Crane safe, wealth section of climbing; Eagle shoulder, success;

Eagle fly, Texas; Phoenix grain, the good luck;

After the rose pattern, romantic and romantic; the body and ghost head, Hongyun owns.

End grain ghost face, from the back is a romance; Zhong Kui, own together;

Buddhities are persistent in their careers;

If the leopard pattern body, improve sexual ability; if the sea Mermaid, travel;

Beautiful angel, peach blossom more than fire kylin, earning large quantities of gold each day;

Butterflies, Hongli repeatedly; snake peony, rich years;

Peony carp, rich plum fragrance, good enough; reward;

Fresh lotus, red lily, affectionate lovers; a harmonious union lasting a hundred years;

The Sanskrit mantra, the gods bless, shoulder Feiyunjiang, peace and happiness;

Idol grain finished, calm mind; the twelve sign of the zodiac, each one has his good points;

The history of the mother in law, the history of tattoo, the water margin, the eastern civilization.

China totem, cultural heritage; now tattoo, fashion logo.

Finally, as a wish, a famous teacher should have a good fortune.

The suggestion before the tattoo and the attention after the tattoo:

Before the tattoo: 1, maintain a sufficient surface, have a good mental state; 2, do not drink or take drugs; 3, if long time no eating, before the tattoo must eat, avoid empty stomach; 4, the tattoo parts should not have damage, break, or sunlight burst; 5, try to wear loose clothes, can expose the tattoo parts of the parts.

After the tattoo: 1, the tattoo three to four hours after the completion of the tattoo, then clean the body with warm water feeling, and then dry to keep dry, daily cleaning, only shower can not take a bath; 2, do not apply any ointment other than the tattoo ointment, so as to avoid color or infection; 3, before the body parts have not recovered, do not swim, sauna, sun sun, the sea; 4, three to five days to take off scab off. 4, three to five days to present scab off off. Skin itching is a normal phenomenon. It can not be buckled or crusted.

The taboo and fastidious of the tattoo part:

One: “four beast” damaged air field

No matter in the past or now, the four animal tattoos are still the favorite of the tattoo, why the four animals? It is “the left arm veins green dragon, the right arm white tiger, the back pattern basalt”, this kind of tattoo pattern can be described as a murderous appearance, damaging its own gas field.

Two: let the forehead lamp lost facial tattoos

Some of the tattoo enthusiasts like to be in the head or the tattoo of the five senses. It looks like the fashion and the personality, but you have to know that your forehead is lost in the minute of the five minutes’ tattoo.

Three: in the breast and the lower body tattooing

Many women friends will like to be in the breast and body tattoo, think this will not be seen, so there will be no impact on the grain! But these body parts are the most “hide the wind and gas” gas field, you tattooed is equal to the gas to the outside, not easily messy peach blossoms will be messy.

Four: in the buttocks tattoos are easy to recruit

The body’s butt is in the position of “the head”, the higher part of the human body, the high part of the body is usually easy to pay attention to! If the tattoo on the rear end is equal to the loss of the head, is not also followed, in life and work are easy to meet “little ghost”.

Five: the twists and turns of the two legged petals

If a person has a good fortune and suddenly becomes tortuous and difficult, he will see his legs that he has tattooed.

Six: tattooing scars cause bad luck

The scars in one part of the body will be “smart” to use tattoos to change it, and use tattoos to cover the scars, but it is not known that the tattoo that you want to cover up has affected your air, and the tattoo on it will only be messed up.

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